

Serving in its purpose of promoting the study and knowledge of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures in the United States, this section of the Observatorio's website offers a selection of links to resources and materials related to the Observatorio’s five areas of study: Spanish in the US; Languages and Cultures in Contact; Teaching of Spanish; Culture and Thought; and Spanish-English Translation. The information is sortable by each of these thematic areas as well as by resource category: publications (both sponsored by the Observatorio and external), materials from Observatorio events, relevant associations and institutions, and other resources. To propose new links for inclusion to this page, please email:

Mario Andino López — "Un microcosmos hispano: la ciudad de Chicago"

Thematic Area: Lengua / Language || Cultura / Culture
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

Martínez-García, et al. — "El aumento en el uso del español en Texas refuerza la necesidad de cerrar las brechas educativas"

Thematic Area: Lengua / Language || Contacto / Contact || Enseñanza / Teaching
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

Martínez-García, et al. — "Spanish-Speaking Growth in Texas Reinforces Need to Close Education Gaps"

Thematic Area: Lengua / Language || Contacto / Contact || Enseñanza / Teaching
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

Materiales para preparación de las pruebas DELE Instituto Cervantes

Thematic Area: Lengua / Language || Enseñanza / Teaching
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

NPR — "The Latin Grammys are in Spain this year. So what?"

Thematic Area: Contacto / Contact || Cultura / Culture
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

Ofelia García — "El uso del español en la enseñanza. La educación bilingüe"

Thematic Area: Contacto / Contact || Enseñanza / Teaching
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

PBS — "American Varieties: ¡Spanglish! Spanish in the U.S."

Thematic Area: Lengua / Language || Contacto / Contact
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

Phillip Carter & Andrew Lynch — "Multilingual Miami: Current Trends in Sociolinguistic Research"

Thematic Area: Lengua / Language || Contacto / Contact
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

Phillip Carter & Kristen D'Alessandro Merii — "Spanish-influenced lexical phenomena in emerging Miami English"

Thematic Area: Lengua / Language || Contacto / Contact
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

Phillip Carter & Lydda López Valdez — "New Dialect Formation Through Language Contact: Vocalic and Prosodic Developments in Miami English"

Thematic Area: Lengua / Language || Contacto / Contact
Category: Publicaciones externas de interés / Relevant external publications

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