Título de la traducción: 
A Letter of Federico García Lorca to his Parents, 1935
Título original: 
Carta de Federico García Lorca a sus padres, 1935
Autor/a original: 
Federico García Lorca
País de origen: 
Christopher Maurer
Fecha de publicación original: 
Fecha de la traducción: 

English translation of a letter by Federico García Lorca to his parents on account of the premiere of the play Yerma, which aroused both public enthusiasm and controversy. In the letter Lorca mentions the actress Margarita Xirgu and alludes to the sociopolitical situation in Spain, including Catalonian separatism. The translator offers, apart from the original manuscript, two images of interest: a key scene from Yerma and a portrait of the poet. --Christopher Maurer, the translator

Carta / Letter

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