The Castilian ('Spanish') Magellan-Elcano expedition, which sailed from Seville (Spain) on August 10th, 1519, and returned to Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Spain) on September 6th, 1522, was started by Portuguese navigator Fernão de Magalhães (Ferdinand Magellan) and completed by Spanish Basque navigator Juan Sebastián de Elcano. It was the first circumnavigation of the Globe and a heroic achievement involving high-risk adventures that the expedition crew confronted first under the leadership of Magellan and then, after the latter’s death in a battle with the natives of the Philippines, under the command of Juan Sebastián de Elcano.
Spanish Navy Captain Ignacio Paz is at present the Commanding Officer of the Training Tall Ship “Juan Sebastián de Elcano”. His lecture will cover both the circumstances and course of the first circumnavigation and also the sailing ship: her history, the life and work onboard, the formation of the midshipmen and her role as Spanish Embassy.
(In Spanish)