Title of translation: 
Eight Poems
Original author: 
Luis Alberto de Cuenca
Country of origin: 
Gustavo Pérez Firmat
Date of source text publication: 
Date of translation publication: 

Initially embracing the 'culturalista' aesthetics of the 1970s, with its reliance on allusiveness and experimentation, the poetry of Spanish poet Luis Alberto de Cuenca has evolved toward greater and greater simplicity. He describes his mature poetry as 'poesía de línea clara.' His poems, elegant yet devious, explore the expressive resources of the conversational register by making use of a variety of materials: classical antiquity, comic books, cartoons, Hollywood movies, slang, urban culture. The eight poems included here in English translation are taken from two of the collections that Cuenca has published during these last few years: Cuaderno de vacaciones (2014), and Volveremos a vernos (2018). --Gustavo Pérez Firmat, the translator.

Poesía / Poetry
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