Edición Instituto Cervantes at FAS - Harvard University
Estudios del Observatorio/Observatorio Studies. 093-10/
Abstract: This volume presents a selection of six contributions from the symposium held to close the 2023-2024 academic year at the Observatory of the Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures in the United States. This ninth edition of the symposium proceedings is titled New Perspectives on Hispanic Cultures: La traducción entre el español y el inglés en los Estados Unidos / English-Spanish Translation in the US Context. In this edition, held on May 30 and 31, researchers and translation professionals examined both theoretical and practical aspects of translation between the two languages.
The texts in this 93rd issue of Estudios del Observatorio/Observatorio Studies cover a diverse range of topics, from abstract and literary perspectives—including explorations on the role of the translator as a mediator between the author and the translation—to practical applications of artificial intelligence. Each text is presented in its original language, with abstracts provided in both languages.