Observatorio Instituto Cervantes Symposium 2022
2 - 3 JUNE 2022 (1 - 4pm Boston/7 - 10pm Madrid) | Via Zoom
The Cervantes Institute at Harvard University organizes its seventh annual symposium, celebrated online and with the general subject: “Culture and Thought from the Hispanic World in the U.S.” The conference program includes two keynote lectures by prestigious researchers: Barbara Fuchs (Distinguished Professor and Vice-Chair of Graduate Studies in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, and Distinguished Professor of English in the Department of English, at UCLA), who will talk about “Américan Classics: Diversity and Hispanic Cultures in the US”; and Alejandro de la Fuente (Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin American History and Economics and Professor of African and African American Studies and of History at Harvard University), who will present “El nuevo campo de estudios afrolatinoamericanos: Promesas, propuestas, desafíos.”
The program will also feature a range of researchers, either beginning their professional careers or already experts in the fields of Spanish language and Hispanic cultures, who will share unpublished papers covering diverse topics: Hispanic literatures, poetry, theater, architecture, migration, politics, identity, and representation. See the full program in the document attached.
Photo Gallery: https://cervantesobservatorio.fas.harvard.edu/en/galleries/photos/simposio-2022