January 19th, 2023 (6pm - 7.30pm Boston)
Fox Club, In-person only (44 JFK St, Cambridge, MA, 02138).
RSVP: https://bit.ly/RSVP-Observatorio o info-observatory@fas.harvard.edu
This event, which will be held at the Fox Club of Harvard University, will center on the Spanish-Filipino painter, art collector, and intellectual Fernando Zóbel. It will pay special attention to his years at Harvard and his previously unpublished translation of Federico García Lorca's play Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín, which was the genesis of the book Zóbel Reads Lorca. Poetry, Painting, and Perlimplín in Love––recently published by Swan Isle Press (2022) and co-sponsored by the Instituto Cervantes' Observatorio at Harvard––with contributions by three eminent hispanists. After a brief introduction by Executive Director of the Observatorio Marta Mateo, Harvard Professor Felipe Pereda will address Zóbel’s intellectual and artistic journey during his university years in New England. A contextual introduction by Harvard Professor Emeritus Luis Fernández-Cifuentes will follow, covering the role of Hispanism and the Humanities at Harvard University in the 1940s, which shaped Zóbel's thesis on and translation of the Spanish poet and playwright. The session will close with acclaimed translator and Boston University Professor Christopher Maurer, who will discuss Zóbel’s translation of Lorca’s play within its American and Spanish contexts, as well as explore the musical and visual elements of the work. The event will also offer guests the opportunity to view some frescos on display at the Fox Club, which Zóbel painted during his time in Cambridge.
Luis Fernández Cifuentes is Robert S. and Ilse Friend Professor Emeritus within the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University. He is a specialist in contemporary Spanish literature and has been a long-distinguished faculty member at Harvard University.
Christopher Maurer is Professor of Spanish at Boston University’s Department of Romance Studies. He is also an acclaimed translator, having previously translated García Lorca’s works, and an expert in Spanish-English translation.
Felipe Pereda is Fernando Zóbel de Ayala Professor of Spanish Art in the Department of Art and Architecture at Harvard University. He is an expert on art from medieval Spain, the Golden Age, and the early modern period, as well as on art theory.
Marta Mateo––Professor of English Studies and Translation from the Universidad de Oviedo, Spain and an expert in English-Spanish translation––is the current Executive Director of the Observatory of the Instituto Cervantes at Harvard University.
Language: English