10th Symposium of the Instituto Cervantes Observatory at Harvard
Digital Hispanism: Exploring Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures through Digital Humanities
5 - 6 June, 2025 | Hybrid
Once again, the Observatory—this year in collaboration with UNAM-Boston—is hosting its traditional annual symposium. Since 2016, this event, held at the end of the academic year, has brought together specialists from a wide range of disciplines. The tenth edition of the symposium will center on the theme “Digital Hispanism: Exploring Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures through Digital Humanities.”
This year’s symposium will showcase projects and initiatives in the field of digital humanities that contribute to the study, documentation, teaching, and promotion of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures, particularly within the United States. Special emphasis will be given to initiatives that focus on preserving Spanish in its various forms, documenting Hispanic cultures, and developing digital tools for research and teaching in a multicultural framework.
To this end, the Observatory has issued a call for papers—available as a PDF in the side menu—and invites researchers to submit their proposals.
As outlined in the call, the deadline for submissions is Friday, March 7. Selected contributions will be announced on Wednesday, April 2. Those interested in participating as speakers are encouraged to send their proposals to observatorio.sympo@fas.harvard.edu.
The program for the 2025 symposium, along with the presentation abstracts, will be published closer to the event. As is customary, the symposium will be held at the Observatory and will span two days (June 5 and 6). Each session will feature a keynote lecture, several 15-minute presentations, and joint panels. This year's keynote lectures will be delivered by Professor Francisco Gago-Jover (College of the Holy Cross / Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies) and Professor Concepción Company Company (Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM / Academia Mexicana de la Lengua)