December 7th, 2022 (3:00 – 4:30pm Boston / 21:00 – 22:30 Madrid)
Via Zoom | RSVP: https://bit.ly/RSVP-Observatorio or info-observatory@fas.harvard.edu
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the publication of César Vallejo’s Trilce, four acclaimed/recognized specialists on the Peruvian author will come together in this session–– organized in collaboration with the Asociación Internacional de Peruanistas, the Department of Romance Studies at Tufts University, and the Consulate General of Peru in Boston––to discuss the impact of this revolutionary work in both the Hispanic context and Anglophone world. Special attention will be paid to the numerous translations published of Vallejo’s works in general in the U.K. and the United States, as well as to his work’s influence on the poetry and culture of both languages.
Raúl Bueno Chávez is Professor Emeritus at Dartmouth College, NH. He has published six collections of poetry, including Ensayo General (2015) and the bilingual volume Tooth and Nail / Dientes y uñas (2019). Among his books of theory and criticism, Promesa y descontento de la modernidad: Estudios literarios y culturales en América Latina was recognized with the 2012 Casa de las Américas’ Ezequiel Martínez Estrada Essay Prize.
Michelle Clayton, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Comparative Literature at Brown University, RI, is the author of Poetry in Pieces: César Vallejo and Lyric Modernity (2011). She has published on modern and contemporary Latin American storytellers and poets, the historical avant-garde and interdisciplinary practices, as well as dance.
José Antonio Mazzotti is King Felipe VI of Spain Professor of Spanish Culture and Civilization at Tufts University, MA. He has published numerous studies on Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, creole cultures, César Vallejo, and other Latin American authors. He is the Director of the Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana and President of the Asociación Internacional de Peruanistas. His collection El Zorro y la Luna (poemas reunidos 1981-2016) received the 2018 Casa de las Américas’ José Lezama Lima International Poetry Prize.
Alan Smith Soto is Professor Emeritus at Boston University and has published studies on the authors of Spain and Latin American, among them, Galdós Lorca, Vallejo, Valle-Inclán, and Cervantes. He has published three books of poetry, Fragmentos de alcancía (1998), Libro del lago (2014), and Hasta que no haya luna (2021), as well as the translation of Robert Creeley’s Life and Death (Madrid, 2000).
Language: Spanish