November 10th, 2022 (*5pm-6:30 Boston)
Hybrid | RSVP: https://bit.ly/RSVP-Observatorio or info-observatory@fas.harvard.edu
By examining colonial paintings of the Viceroyalty of Peru and the study of their iconography, this session will demonstrate how the canonization of the first American saint in Peru, Saint Rose of Lima, established the origins of Creole religious thought that served as the basis for the indigenous revolts of the 18th century and the emancipatory feat of the 19th century. In fact, the imagery of the saint from Lima helped transform the themes of race, indigenous suffering, and gender into redemptive metaphors for her people.
Ramón Mujica Pinilla is a recognized anthropologist and historian from Peru, specialized in Peruvian viceroyal art and the American cultural processes of hybridization and religious syncretism, topics that he has published on prolifically. He is a member of Peru’s Academia Nacional de la Historia as well as of Argentina’s Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes, and was the director of Peru’s Biblioteca Nacional. He is part of the publishing advisory committee of the Archivo Español de Arte del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas in Madrid and was a “patron” of the Instituto Cervantes in Spain.
Languaage: Spanish
*The event will end around 6:30pm (Boston) and will be followed by coffee for in-person attendees.